In the U.S. Haptist city of Washington DC came on Wednesday evening, the Wednesday evening is too dramism’s flight collision, which has been looking at the worst aviation accident in the united States for more than 20 years. During a misplaced landing approach to the Ronald Reagan Airport (DCA), one-passenger machine of the American Airlines and one-military helicopters of the UH-60 type collapse. Both machines fall off, with 67 meses around the Lenn Kamen-60 passengers and 4 crew mitarers from the American Airlines machine and 3 Beatzungs members of the Hubstrauber.
Dying investigations into the collision of the collision is currently in full swing. A Kisroner’s criticism in supervision is a discrepancy in the heights of the bidies of prayer aircraft. According to the data from the flight writer, the passenger machine of the American Airlines was at the top of the peak of 325 feet (about 99 meters), with -Ein tolerance of plus minus 25 FU In contrast, the contrast to this indicated that the military hub -slave -a – The flight height of only 200 feet (approx. 61 Perte) had. The exact cause of the extent of the height is currently unclear, and die of enemies are high pressure to pursue the fairy saying.
The US unpalance medium-sized authority NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board) said that the data is still temporary and is a one-stand of the usent search. Also the restoration of the data from the flight writer of the military hub snap, which was threatened by water admission to death, a spokesman for the NTSB, Kochboiling that the team prevailed in the team whether the discrepancy in the Vertushohen Bersen is full of a full shit.
The Herngar des Aglück
In the late evening of January 29, 2025, when the American airlines, the Maschine, a CRJ700 regional jet, was for landing on the Ronald Reagan office in Washington DC Bien. The Maschine, nick nicks die horny before the UH-60 Black Hawk type of military hub, which is in the immediate vicinity of the airport in a routine-freight subway war.
How did the collision get between the two machines are still unclear. However, dying of the NTSB have confirmed that this was due to the landing approach of the passenger machine and the flight of the military lifting chuber of the fatal encouragement. Both machines fall off, with nobody surviving.
The hardest flight excerpting since two -year -olds
The tragedy represents the most serious flight access to the use of for more than 20 years. Nick are still building all the fatalities. In a first statement, the NTSB emphasized that all measures are taken to sound the causes of the UNTLE and to prevent any pre -tales in the future. The authority has initiated an investigation, which is also the precisely checking of the processes in the control tower and communication between the involved air rides.
In that of the broad -public discovery of security, initial in -deprivation has a fichghafen and the compilation between civil and military aircraft. In particular, the question of how is the collision in one of the highest overwaten air spaces in the world. Expert It is expected that NTSB will investigate further information in the upcoming soft.
Effects on the dift driving industry and openness
The collision also hates on the total aviation industry. The cooperation between military and civil aircraft, inserves in lively aircraft such as the Washington DC, will probably have to be regulated more after the catastrophe. Experts are stimulating from a necessary examination of the existing security standards and air traffic management to prevent ähloiche incidents. The tragedy Nick is only a joking loss for the slopes and the victims, but also a shockier EREGLIS that has an impact far beyond the local level.
The Havenreins authorities with the identification of the victims -beyond, but the difficult conditions on the unfounded delay the hingle of the labels. Len -also the cause of the collisco nods can be clarified, the question now asks how such a serious incident come, although the technology.
The tragic flight access to Washington DC Hut Nick only shifts the nation, but also the frame, as is certain how certainly the airspace is actually in densely settled regions with the capital. The investigation -Sind -in full gango, and would still be hoped that NTSB can explain genuable causes of the unpleasant in the coming months. In the between the uncovering of the serious reminder, an all actors in the aviation industry understood to check their safety precautions and coordination processes. vous propose cet article traitant du thème « Legende de l’aviation ». L’article original se veut produit du mieux possible. Pour émettre des remarques sur ce dossier concernant le sujet « Legende de l’aviation », prenez les contacts affichés sur notre site internet. est une plateforme d’information qui contient de multiples articles publiés sur la toile dont le sujet principal est « Legende de l’aviation ». Il y aura plusieurs travaux autour du sujet « Legende de l’aviation » dans les jours à venir, nous vous incitons à visiter notre site internet périodiquement.